
Mumford & Sons – Live On Letterman (Watch the full hour-long show)


I haven’t posted much lately yet (again). Been far too busy with work and climbing the ladder of life. Haven’t given much anything else a thought other than getting outdoors for hikes and exploration to clear the mind in between, and spending time with friends and family.

I figured I would share this. I came across it by chance and when clicking on play, I planned to only watch the first few minutes, but wound up watching the entire thing. Mumford and Sons is a great band filled with talent and solid mixing (they put out some great albums, always ready to take on the audiophile world of things).

Below is the entire video of their performance on Letterman back in 2015, posted by the band for everyone to enjoy. Enjoy…


Comments (206)

  1. stelsewhere11

    origins in British folk music from Irish/Scots to Welsh and English
    expertly performed by exceptionally gifted musicians … A breath of fresh
    air in a world dominated by plastic rubbish.

  2. Tommy Bruner

    People….who cares what genre this “fits” into. Industry people put music
    in categories so they can market it. People put music (and other people) in
    categories if they’re too insecure to just let it be what it is without
    labels. Enough already. This band is great!


    If you listen to old rock records, it becomes obviously apparent that the
    soundboards and recording equipment they used had imperfections of static,
    preamp overloading, and other abnormalities that created “buzz”,
    “distortion” and other sonic imperfections. And gosh, isn’t it great?
    Modern recording studios brand new tech, the comparison is stark as day
    when compared to retro vintage recording equip and outboard gear. New tech
    creates such clarity, its too clear, too impassionate – the imperfections
    that we found in old music added to the genuineness of the artists that fed
    our souls. New music, while it might lack that ingenuity and integrity
    needed for great music, would serve itself well to rethink the tech that it
    implements. This is mostly the musicians fault! As a band, most of the time
    you have the option of choosing the studio in which you’d like to
    record….just some food for thought.

  4. Benjamin Flores

    BEN LEVIN get out of here your commenting like it’s no ones business. Get a
    life dude, a musician is a musician

  5. Dada Vfc

    A legendary band, believe me! Just listen!

  6. Musicisthefreedom


  7. Timothy Donaghue

    Truly awesome!

  8. loloaqici82qb4ipp

    A lot of happy faces in the audience, and the feel good factor is what this
    band is all about. Whether they can build on this and with this format be
    going strong in 5 years is another matter it’s but great while it lasts

  9. Megan Norman

    23:19 – whats make or name is Marcus’ guitar????

  10. Timmy di Domenico

    Mumford and Sons is my favorite band, after The Beatles of course.

  11. benito silvestri

    MUMFORD AND SONS RULES… enough said!!

  12. Jordan Anderson

    how dare you blank out the swear words in little lion man lol

  13. Zachary Bendus

    Lead singer is playing 4 different instruments at the same time , what a

  14. okrajoe

    Great performance.

  15. salkizar

    I fuckin love this…..goosebumps to every song……

  16. Francisco Ouriques

    Muito bom, são os melhores…

  17. Gulf Coast Girl

    Can’t get enough of these guys!

  18. Epicat

    M. Mumford is so charming :’)

  19. Gloria Inthamoussu

    Muy bueno!!!

  20. Madhurima Khadilkar

    What does Marcus say at 23:10?
    Also, the concert is lovely!

  21. Anish Roy

    Its hilarious to see all these hater shits telling these guys to get a
    different profession- Mumford and Sons gained international fame performing
    while you guys sit and complain from your moms basement.

  22. André Oliveira

    Their music comes from the heart & soul… Amazing!!!

  23. Carmen López B

    I enjoyed their music so much the first time I listened to that it has been
    one of my favorite bands since. Congratulations to all of you. Hello from
    Guadalajara, Mexico

  24. Noah McDaniel

    Does anyone know what setup he uses to be able to play the tambourine with
    his foot? I’ve been looking everywhere for something that will work and
    I’m really struggling.

  25. Nick Burnham

    Set List
    I Will Wait 1:35
    Roll Away Your Stone 7:00
    Lover’s Eyes 11:40
    Whispers in the Dark 18:00
    Below my Feet 23:20
    The Cave 29:45
    Lover of the Light 34:10
    Ghosts that we Knew 40:00
    Little Lion Man 47:05

  26. Viri Zavala

    the name of the last song?

  27. Right Hand Clyde

    best band I have heard in awhile…

  28. CocoandKirby

    When I heard one song, I liked it. But when I heard the entire album I felt
    like everything was the same song. But thats what you get when you use the
    same chords and strumming pattern that much. I don’t think they are bad
    don’t get me wrong, but I do think they are overrated.

  29. Carlos Martim Brückmann

    Outra banda cuja a música lava a alma!

    Another band whose music washes the soul!

  30. Victor Louis Schirripa Skou

    1:40 I Will Wait
    7:00 Roll Away Your Stone
    11:40 Lovers’ Eyes
    18:35 Whispers in the Dark
    23:20 Below My Feet
    29:40 The Cave
    34:15 Lover of the Light
    40:00 Ghosts That We Knew
    47:10 Little Lion Man


  31. Livia Vale

    I’ve actually been listening to the two albums I have and to this video for
    over 1 year and it is always wonderful. I am addicted to their music, I
    guess, I listen to it virtually every day and I do not get tired of it!
    Can’t wait to see them perform live!!! 🙂 COME TO AUSTRALIA PLEASE!!!!!

  32. Jeff Bird

    These guys are so talented it blows my mind! They are So Much BETTER LIVE!
    Such artistic ability and creative sound with beautiful harmony and lyrics
    with such energy and passion!!!! I can’t believe I ever thought that they
    were ordinary!

  33. Scott Maybank

    Jesus lives eh

  34. Que Me Inviten Al Concierto

    #indie el Bilbao BBK Live​ celebra sus 100.000 seguidores invitando a su
    edición 2015 con Mumford and Sons​, Muse​, Alt-J​, The Jesus And Mary
    Chain​, Capital Cities​.. Participa en

  35. Ray Jett

    This band is, in my opinion, the greatest mucical group in the cosmos. I
    will assume the 760 unlikes were concerning the sound and or picture
    quality of THIS video.

  36. 中村洸太

    emotional and impressive.
    so cool.

  37. itzdetour

    I can’t remember the last time I heard a band that feels genuine! The last
    would be Michael Jackson’s earth song. I am waiting eagerly for Mumford
    and Sons to tour Canada.

  38. Thomas Thaxton

    He didn’t sound very good in the first song, but he got better through the

  39. nayana cariappa

    Brilliance !

  40. Paul Chapman

    sounds just like the album

  41. Josh Woodbt

    Who cares if they use the same chord everyone cause guess what every song
    is a rip off of another song now days u only have so many chords and the
    thing is it’s fresh and new and if u want the same olé pop star junk after
    hear n them play 3 songs then be our guest we will enjoy each song as they
    are all different in there own way like lyrics and meaning so technically
    none of them sound the same and name 1 band right here right now that
    doesn’t have ohhhs and ahhhs n there song and i can name a ton that use
    similar patterns in there music it’s not that big of deal and isn’t ground
    breaking milli vanilli stuff folks

  42. David Knese

    Such great Tunes!


  43. MadlySevered

    its so fucking shitty that everyone stands with their fucking phones…
    WTF!! Look at the show and enjoy it and leave you phones out of it FFS!!

  44. Totes McGotes

    this is a great live performance from a great band. i’m sure this would
    have a lot of views in quite a few years.

  45. Sean O'Reilly

    Nice! Take a look at my Mumford and Sons cover. i think it ain’t half bad

  46. David Carmona V.

    La mejor banda de la actualidad, haters gonna hate!

  47. juan carlos vildosola tolentino

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